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A year ago today I started I started this blog as a ‘workbook’ for a blogging learning space -wordpress don’t send an anniversary notification for your second blog – I mashed this pic from public domain images and my recent anniversary notification for my first blog, which is supposed to be a creative writing space, but gets left behind now that I write mostly off-blog and post here every day… I’m still finding my way and still have lots to learn…

via Blogging 201: Set Three Goals | The Daily Post.

Alongside the aim of completing each day’s blogging201 task, hopefully before it’s so late in the day, current goals, as of today’s scattered mindset:-

1. Establish and sustain a daily blogging habit / routine and regularly update sites with new posts relevant to each theme / project.

2. Actively participate in the blogging community…

3. Regularly revisit, review and revise goals …

That’s a very uninteresting first post for a new blog so a better introductory post …

I haven’t improved on ‘the scattered mindset’ – maybe it’s time to accept that it’s a permanent personality trait.

Realistically, my only current blogging project is taking part in the threewordsaday challenge. I don’t have as much blogging time as I’d like while sustaining work routines and other commitments, but I guess most bloggers have similar restraints of daily living.

Practise is the name of the game, so I’ll just plod on at SnailzpaceDaily and whatever will be, will be…